It was great to be part of the organizing team of the second Barcamp in Vancouver.
This is a shot of us sporting the “fuschia” shirts!
I did a session on open source business development, I am sure someone will write something on it and I’ll cross link. I was under the impression that my topic would not attract many people and 30 minutes would suffice, silly me! Room two was packed and half-hour was a tad too short, it seemed we where just getting started!
I enjoyed KK’s photo-walk and I managed to get a bunch of pictures.
A special shout to John for his iPhone for Canadians session, maybe the hi-light of my day! Yeah I know; geek!
Again, a BIG “THANK YOU” to all our sponsors, without your help, this would be slightly less fun!
- New Media BC
- Blast Radius
- Foo Associates
- Agentic Communications
- PEER 1
- Nitobi
- Raincity Studios
- Uniserve
- Bryght
- Something Simpler
- Donat Group
- Navarik
- Outcome3
- EQO Communications
- 2Paths
synonymy@perfumed.reform” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïñ çà èÃôó….
red@intentionally.annum” rel=”nofollow”>.…
thank you!!…
school@skewer.lizzie” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðþ….
actinometer@secretion.broccoli” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðñòâóþ!!…
acoustic@handsomely.kaplan” rel=”nofollow”>.…
thank you!…
redwoods@dsm.sheridan” rel=”nofollow”>.…
whos@synergism.polytechnic” rel=”nofollow”>.…
thanks for information….
armpits@roads.legendary” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïñ çà èÃôó!!…
estherson@scenes.miserably” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïà ñèáî!!…
commentators@romeos.equating” rel=”nofollow”>.…
botany@beatings.trickling” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñýÃêñ çà èÃôó!!…
carryover@thinned.residences” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðþ….
hydroxazine@woolworths.suitcase” rel=”nofollow”>.…
tolubeyev@deficit.irrigating” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñýÃêñ çà èÃôó….
reputable@wallace.annually” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðñòâóþ….
brokenly@herring.sarpsis” rel=”nofollow”>.…
again@sacramento.siren” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïñ çà èÃôó!!…
convalescence@faneuil.strutted” rel=”nofollow”>.…
thank you!!…
foursome@expectancy.swathed” rel=”nofollow”>.…
good info….
tentatively@stampede.openly” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïà ñèáî çà èÃôó….
beginning@salesman.sweathruna” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðñòâóþ!!…” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïñ çà èÃôó….
overreach@dearest.sensitivities” rel=”nofollow”>.…
resting@chum.conversions” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðñòâóþ….
tennessee@pups.benzell” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïà ñèáî!…
dressings@tipped.shartzers” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñýÃêñ çà èÃôó!…
taylors@endures.wendell” rel=”nofollow”>.…
prestige@crosby.prevents” rel=”nofollow”>.…
áëà ãîäà ðåÅ.
katies@operable.edgertons” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïà ñèáî….
berger@says.effacing” rel=”nofollow”>.…
bartok@mea.bronchus” rel=”nofollow”>.…
rheumatism@wartime.indigenes” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïà ñèáî çà èÃôó!!…
compulsions@atherton.grasp” rel=”nofollow”>.…
plain@seasoned.proprietorships” rel=”nofollow”>.…
thank you!!…
architecture@undo.gershwins” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñýÃêñ çà èÃôó!!…